Top 10 Sneaker Facts

Hello guys welcome to another blog, hope you are all fine and Eid Mubarak to you all celebrating today or tomorrow. So on this blog is all about sneaker facts, Yes facts that you might know or not know. Reebok InstaPumps 10. The New Balance 996 was the first running sneaker to cost $100 when it dropped in 1981. People don't even blink when a pair of sneakers costs $100 in today's market, but at the time, New Balance was seen as revolutionary (and a bit crazy) for making a sneaker at that price point. But the point was that sneakers were worth a $100. The going price for a men's pair of 996s now is $150. 9. Lil Wayne joined Supra through his friendship with skater Stevie Williams. Prior to creating the Spectre line, Supra created some special one of ones for Wayne. Some people don't think that Wayne has respect within the skateboard community, but a co-sign from Stevie Williams—who is an East Coast O.G.—is what legitimized his line with Supra...