Hey guys and welcome to another blog about sneakers. Today it is special we are talking about sneaker designing, what kind of sneakers do you really like and what if Bata Kenya could start manufacturing sneakers in large quantities and of all promote sneakers through basket ball and certainly what do you think about Bata Wopsis.

All the coolest sneakers are always inspired by great basket ball players to name a few LeBron James, and the Micheal Jordan. Who doesn't like a pair of Jays on his feet? So guys I think we should have a basket ball league in East Africa something like EABBL (East Africa Basket Ball League) where we will be promoting talent and the game and of all promoting talent, sneakers, sneakers designer, and of all the guys who do wonders custom sneaker heads.

Am into this an I really need your support lets grow this culture and make something big, we can start small. So here today is about how we get all these cool kicks on our feet, Sneaker designing. A lot of creativity and handwork is always needed so that one can come up with something awesome like this.
Wopsis B2s
Yes I did design that Wopsis B2s, what do you think about them.

That is all I had for this blog guys not much but worth it, If you are a sneaker designer or you know how to sketch a sneaker to hesitate to hit me up. And the competition of the Puma X Rihanna Creepers will start next week so guys be on the look.
That was for today see you on the next blog.


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